hi! That’s us!

We put our hearts and souls into advising. With empathy and expertise, we drive issues, connect people and reveal interconnections. We cover the entire spectrum of corporate communications. Thinking strategically, acting conceptually and implementing convincing ideas creatively – that’s what we’re all about. In Berlin, Düsseldorf and Hamburg.

colleagues in three locations
partner agencies worldwide

What drives us: The future

The question that drives us and our clients is: How can we make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050? There are no simple answers. And that’s exactly where we come into play.

What we do: Leading dialogues

Be it for big organisations, SMEs or start-ups. Online or offline. Printed, posted or spoken. Globally, regionally or locally. Speaking on an equal footing with journalists, policymakers, residents, employees or the industry. We put our heart and soul into everything we do. And we have one shared goal in mind: to explain complicated issues and enhance dialogue!

What we are: owner-operated and down-to-earth

Creating meaning and value for our clients while realising sophisticated communication efforts – that’s what we’ve been doing since 2011. Back then, our founders – Anja and Markus – thought to themselves: “Why not start something of our own?” And that’s how navos was born. After assembling a team and securing some clients, they were off! With a dozen colleagues, a lot of ideas, and the conviction that we need more dialogue and less noise.
Today, we are 90 colleagues in Berlin, Düsseldorf and Hamburg. Our drive is unabated, we have fresh ideas, and we have brought Charlotte on board as another managing director. And we still believe that communication doesn’t always have to be loud to be effective. Ahoy!

What we offer: From idea to reality

We don’t sell anything. We provide a plan. And make it happen. We cover the entire spectrum of communications – from agenda-setting to target group analysis. And we always do it in a tailor-made, personal and creative manner. Never with the cookie-cutter treatment. That’s why we offer a one-stop service from conceptualisation to execution.

Our services at a glance:

Corporate Communication
“Strategy eats culture for breakfast” – to prevent this from happening, we assist our clients in communicating their strategies and topics in a clear, understandable and targeted manner. We position board members and executives, align messages with corporate goals, and formulate long-term communication and evaluation measures. And, of course, we do all of this in a cross-channel manner. Externally, with active press and public relations work. And internally, with persuasive in-house communication solutions. After all, the success of any strategy relies on staff buy-in.
Internal and Change Communication
Nothing is as constant as change. A platitude we’ve all heard a thousand times. But it’s still true. Especially in times of transitions – whether energy, transport, building or digital. Given all this change around us, we are being forced to think again and stray from the beaten path. We help our clients to blaze new trails. With incisive analysis, open dialogue and uncomplicated execution. Whether it’s with an employee survey, in-house dialogue, values workshop, convincing storytelling or communication with external stakeholders – we always take a holistic approach to change.
Local Dialogue
Building power lines in Hesse, developing a hydrogen network across the country, or establishing the first lithium converter in Brandenburg – Germany needs modern infrastructure for its energies and raw materials. But a common response is: NIMBY. Many construction projects encounter stiff resistance. There’s hardly a project that doesn’t spark protests from local residents – and the only thing feasible is something that can be communicated. For that, you need dialogue and participation. That’s why companies and municipalities should get all stakeholders involved at an early stage and strive to cultivate acceptance. As experienced “energy explainers”, we accompany and assist our clients throughout the process of realising large infrastructure projects – such as by fostering dialogue with local residents, managing information markets and streamlining permitting procedures.
Political Communication
Social, environmental and economic change are all decisively shaped by the political framework conditions, which often emerge from complicated negotiation processes. That’s why we keep track of ongoing debates, identify arguments, check the facts, and help our clients to position themselves vis-à-vis the issues. But rather than doing this while sitting in the lobby, we engage in actual conversations – by networking with a wide range of actors from politics, business and society at large. And always with a focus on fostering transparency and building trust.
B2B is special. The topics and products require explanation; the target groups are narrow. This makes it even more important to take a targeted and convincing approach. We assist our clients in doing precisely that. With cross-channel and -platform content marketing, emotional content and snappy messages. Whether in ink or online, whether with a technical article or infographic. We network and integrate various disciplines in our campaigns and always view B2B in a holistic way.
Crisis Communication
The crisis has arrived. Now what? What’s important is being prepared. Striking the right tone. Building trust. After all, a good reputation can be ruined in 5 minutes – and usually even faster. That’s why good crisis communication ideally starts before the emergency – with monitoring, leadership training, crisis simulations, guidelines and professional media training. Because, as the saying goes: Always be prepared for the worst – and have a plan in place.
Content Creation
We make our clients and their topics visible in a cross-media fashion – whether digitally, in moving images or in classic print. Concept, strategy and implementation all come from a single source. We analyse trends, create content, manage communities and monitor performances. Always with the specific target groups in mind, and always to achieve a perfect fit. Our creative team of graphic, video and motion graphic designers love to make complicated things simple and bring them to life in images.
Media Training
These days, leaders find themselves the object of a lot more media attention. But can they formulate clear and comprehensible messages under pressure? Can they exude confidence under the bright glare of the cameras? Or appear on a talk show without looking lost? These are no easy tasks. And that’s why our experienced rhetoric professionals support you with customised media, camera and public-speaking training.

Where we are: Around the corner. Across the world.

Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg. New York, Rio, Tokyo. Locally, regionally, globally. We work in a flexible and networked manner. With a strong network of partners at our side. This enables us to implement exciting projects and make dialogues better – across the world.

What makes us proud

Whether it’s our consultants or our creative minds from the graphics department: We aim to make communications better. That’s why we put a lot of brainpower, love and energy into our work. And we come up with solutions that work.

Come join us!

We’re looking for people who want to pitch in, to ask questions, and to think differently – or, in a nutshell, for great people who are passionate about communicating and enjoy providing advice. You’ll find a wide range of opportunities to join our team.

What drives us?

For us, dialogue is the name of the game. We value respectful, appreciative and frank interactions. With our clients. And as colleagues and people. Instead of sharp elbows, we have team spirit – and lots of it. And the mindset that only those who are convinced can convince others.