Kick-off for Germany’s national hydrogen grid
What’s it all about
The core of a Germany-wide hydrogen infrastructure – the “GET H2 Netz” grid project – is being established in the country’s northwest. The initiative is backed by multiple companies – including Open Grid Europe, Thyssengas and Nowega – as well as municipalities and institutions, all of which are actively working together to put a competitive hydrogen market in place. For this to happen, three new hydrogen pipelines will have to be built and existing pipelines from the long-distance gas grid will have to be retrofitted.
Tackling challenges together
Since the very beginning, we have been supporting the “GET H2 Netz” grid project with the planning and approval processes – initially for the regional planning and now during the planning approval procedure. Among other things, our communication-related efforts for the project have included setting up and maintaining the website, drafting and editing the newsletter, conceiving and carrying out dialogue markets, and media relations work.